My big toe is tingly. I’m hoping that this is due to something like an in-growing toenail. The problem is that I know my dad’s toes do tingly things and I also know that tumours in various places cause that too. Now at the moment I am not feeling too freaked out about it and I’m actually thinking that my toenail looks a little rubbish and could well be the cause. And even if it is a tumour I’m thinking that it may not be something that needs fixing. I could really do with a pill that shrinks tumours, then I bet my partner would say yes to us trying for a baby.
Oh bollocks.
I suppose I should phone my G.P. and find out if my toenail is the culprit but I don't want to this week.
I think I will wait until after my sisters wedding.
Dad's next set of tests are at the end of September.