Tuesday, July 18, 2017

10 years of love

My little girl turns 10. She is my joy and my heart.
When people discover I have VHL and that it's genetic they often ask... And your daughter?
The relief I see in their face is sometimes overwhelming. 'I know' I say. 'I'm not sure if I'd be able to cope if she had it'
Or my other response 'we had her tested at 3 months, best day of my life knowing she didn't have it'
Which leaves me thinking how awful it must be to have children with it, and reminds me how awful it is to have it.

I'm bargaining with fate, asking for 2 years please, is that so much to ask. Two years of tumors control. I can't even ask for tumor free. That's not something I can ever hope for.
I'm a defect after all.
But if the universe could give me the next two years (four would be fabulous) to have an adventure, to treat myself and my family to a break from VHL, that would just smashing, thanks.
What will I give in return?

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