Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sad and angry

I've been both this week.
News that a friend was suddenly dead and by suicide was hard to take.
I would love to be at the funeral as I know thev love that works pour out from everyone.
Her life had had so many difficulties, and some of them so close to my own experiences that she just got me.
We meet via a choir and when the choir spilt we went to different ones, but not once did that mean we didn't respect each other.
We became friends because she was open to me, open to learning about me and I her. That's what friends are I guess.
She knew what it felt like to have a body that fucks you over.
She knew what it felt like to be in hospital while you're children observe all that you're going through.
She knew the value of psychotherapy.
She knew what being betrayed felt like.

She also knew how to fight on. I can only guess that the fight became too much or that she was taken over by the pain and fear of depression.

I'm so sad she couldn't stay with us. I'm angry that she's gone because I don't want her to be. I want to hike up that bloody hill and see her next time I'm home. You take it for granted people will be there. And these moments remind you that won't always be true.

So I've been angry. The universe has pissed me off.

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