Sunday, September 22, 2024

last letter

 The words on the page, the drafts and the post-it notes. All trying to comfort us and give an explanation. He needed us to know we couldn't have done anything. He needed us to understand and I don't think everyone can or ever will. But I can. I'm sad, I miss him, I, like we all do, expected more time. 

I expected to feel more when I read it but I just wanted to talk to him about it, Ask him questions. And a bit of me wondered if maybe we were all mistaken and this was a song. The lyrics to a song. A song we would perform together one day. That's what we always did. 

Maybe it's because our friendship was a distant once know, seeing each other when we could, that the time between face to face could be vast. Well COVID was the second most vast, the wife was the longest - she didn't approve of him seeing me. She really didn't get it, she didn't last. 

I hope he knows I'd understand, going to see his partner yesterday was an act of friendship for him. He would be so upset to see the upset of others, especially those he loved.  A small act of service to him. 

We couldn't have changed it, over and over, note after note, he just couldn't face being alive. He didn't believe he could be himself, couldn't believe we would love a different him and that something was wrong with his brain. He was right in a way, because anything that made him feel like he couldn't be here with us must mean something was very wrong. 

I text him on Saturday, I was at a gig, live music, watching bands always made me think of him. It always brought back such joy and memories of us laughing and creating, performing and teasing each other. We wrote so many depressing songs, we felt the hurt of love so deeply, the disappointment of being let down acutely. And together we made something relatable and really fucking good. I grieved for those days many times. I had a small hope that we would reunite one day, do our stuff together again. I did not see this end. 

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