Wednesday, October 30, 2024


My biggest challenge that isn't VHL. This one is hard. But as is my way, I'm going to find positives to hang on to. 
As always my family and closest friends are there, my support and my rocks. I found myself saying 'bad things happen to good people.' Because it's true, but also... When they do, good people have other good people ready to help. 
That's where I am. Adrift perhaps at first, but no one ever let go really. I'm tethered to those that love me and whom I love. I'm safe regardless. 
And through this I'm thinking that I could do with being more on my immediate community. I toy with that. I like feeling part of something - that's what the job does. But I really do need to be more than my job. 

I'll get through this one too. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

As time goes by

 So often I find myself remembering the importance of my dad's most important life lesson. Everything passes. The good and the bad. 

Today, a day I put in my calendar as an important reminder of this, this is the anniversary of the day I went into hospital and didn't come out for a month. I take time to enjoy the peace and happiness of life. This week, this will be another anniversary of me, those I love getting through another trial. I hope not literally. I feel stronger than I did because of friends and family. People who keep me safe, sane and secure. People who hold me close physically and emotionally, people who I would not be able to live without. 

For as hard as this is right now, I have my family, my friends and my health. My home and my intellect. My self worth is in tact and I am still one of the lucky ones.