Tuesday, October 15, 2024

As time goes by

 So often I find myself remembering the importance of my dad's most important life lesson. Everything passes. The good and the bad. 

Today, a day I put in my calendar as an important reminder of this, this is the anniversary of the day I went into hospital and didn't come out for a month. I take time to enjoy the peace and happiness of life. This week, this will be another anniversary of me, those I love getting through another trial. I hope not literally. I feel stronger than I did because of friends and family. People who keep me safe, sane and secure. People who hold me close physically and emotionally, people who I would not be able to live without. 

For as hard as this is right now, I have my family, my friends and my health. My home and my intellect. My self worth is in tact and I am still one of the lucky ones. 

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