Monday, December 31, 2018

Fuck off to Disneyland.

My mum and I would wonder when I would get my...fuck off to Disneyland moment.

Your cancer needed to be terminal.

But we never really know. And it will come back, without doubt. So we realised, we don't get to cash in and fuck off to the life long dream.
Mine is not and never has been Disneyland. But it seemed the most popular choice.

Today, as I watched the clouds over lake Malawi and let the wind cover me in a smooth coolness on the boat that took us from island to island, and as I looked at my new friends and beautiful little family, I realised, I've done it!
I've had my 'life is too short' escape.
Malawi is my Disneyland.

2019 will have some surgery in it but I'm determined not to let it spoil this escape.

Friday, December 21, 2018

More rain

Well, it is the rainy season.
Unlike the refreshing power of the rain here, VHL comes time and time again. You know it will show up. When? You can make a good guess and that is... Too often.
I'm trying to enjoy this moment and having the never ending support from those I love, and love me is helping.
The rain that is beating down around us tonight is, according to the locals, unusual for this time of day.
The reocurrance of kidney cancer is frustratingly normal and yet it beats down.  Hard and unrelenting.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

I love rain

The simplicity of it.
The truth of it.
The way it does its job
Well done rain.
I applaud you.
Job well done... Keep it up.

Well, stop for a bit while I enjoy a bit of sun, tomorrow will do.

You've cooled and nourished us, me.
I do like the rain.

Postmum Pat

Two letters arrive at my old, old, old, old, old, old address.
They contradict the emails I've had.
They send me into the state of the unknown again and they make the evening frustrating and I feel sad and confused.
I'm now back in the doubt and so despite feeling I knew what the plan was, it's changed or has it?

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I have cancer

And it's one of the good ones.
In the last month I've heard of two men who have prostate cancer.
Oh, one of the good ones
Kidney cancer isn't normally considered one of the good ones, but if I'm being positive, it is for me.
One day I might run out of kidney. I might run out of both.
But not yet.

Friday, December 07, 2018

Phones on a wall

I remember the phones on the wall. It was a day in March. A month, that until then held no significant to me and will now forever be, the month.
I was aware that I should tell people. I was old enough to have people of my own to tell. I don't recall how I paid, but I stood against the wall, in amongst the wall of phones and called someone.
I told the person on the other end. He's brain dead they think. He's dead they think.
And I recall being aware of the momentous event and my place in it. Small and sad.
Nothing more then.
I was surrounded by people who were leaning against that wall of phones. Some with good news, some bad, some mundane.
All with someone to tell.
Today I have a wall of people. I lean against them when I need to tell someone.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

It's always

It will always be there.
This doesn't go away and never will. Stoic and able to comfort those who need it.
It's fine
I get tumours
Shut them down
No sympathy required
Those that know a bit more, read it... I don't want to dwell
I can't
I can't
I can't
And when I do - who wants to listen?
Very few
And I included myself
I don't want to listen