Thursday, October 25, 2018

How far can you go?

The surgeon has a knife.
How far should it go?

How often can you be cut and how many times will it hurt?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

3 years hence

Facebook tells you about memories. I'm struck by where I was three years ago. I'm in Zomba today and I climbed and walked and saw things I never imagined I would.
I did it with new friends and my little family.
I'm troubled by the next phase but not thrown by it.
I will make it through and I have such a huge amount of love and support.
Today I am aware of how blessed I am, despite my next VHL hurdle.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Party tears

I do this, this is a thing I do. I cry at parties.
I, of course, do it discreetly.
I cry because the timing is good.
Drunk friends, drunk me
I let myself feel
I let myself cry
I move on
I cope