Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Climbing Snowdon

My dad just text me to ask if I'll climb Snowdon with him. I said yes straight away.
The logistics will need sorting
For example how the hell do you get a wheelchair up Snowdon?
How many days will it take, considering he goes to the loo at least once every hour and stays there for ever.
When and where does he intend to nap?

What if we get stuck...
But I'm saying yes because he's my dad
He did it when he was much younger, healthier and stronger. He did it with my brother.
More importantly, though is that it means he's living. He's doing something to add value to his life.
I feel proud of him right now and I haven't really felt that for a while.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Why worry?

People worry about me. I've heard it a lot, more so recently. I worry me.
Should this disease have more of an effect on who I am? Perhaps it is, I go back to my love of drama, the drama of life.
This week I cried in my office. A friendly face offered help, advice and a much needed ear. He beard me say, 'why can't I just have a bit of boredom in my life.' I meant it at the time, but actually the truth is I don't think I do.
Facebook provides me with the outlet to get attention, I like attention. So when I post something I want lots of likes and things. I'm not sure I want people to worry and this happened. I was unclear and I worried people. I didn't mean for that, but they worried all the same.
The attention I want is about how great people think I am. Because, well like everyone, I'm not at all convinced I am, great. I'm not sure I'm good.

Friday, May 06, 2016

Negative bucket list

At the pub, with my favourite colleagues, I was amused by the way the conversation went.
I'm aware that when someone names a generally shite experience, I've nearly always got a personal example or a very close, 'my sister 'my mum' moment. So as we joked about it, she said she would write my list. 'Is there anything you'd haven't experienced?' she laughed...
'Skiing' I replied.
It got me thinking though, my house hasn't been burnt down or flooded. I'm devoid of most natural disasters.
But actually I crave experience. Big ones, life changing ones. I don't think you can have my life and not. I think it's  OK to have a very long negative bucket list.
There are things I know I never want on it: things my parents and sister have had. And we carry on.

Today I am strong. 
Today I cope and live. 
Today I know that a chapter has started to close and yet, the book is nowhere near finished.