Tuesday, December 01, 2015

counting your blessings

I'm alive, a good place to start. I'm able to take and pick up my daughter from school. My work are being really supportive and I don't feel pressure to return too soon.
I am getting better, slowly...
My friends have proved to be wonderful, caring and positive and just amazing, I feel loved and valued by them,the real friends are there when you need them, the people in my life are good people.
I know myself in a way I didn't before which is actually a mixed blessing because I know some things I want but can't have. That's hurting.

I should remember that recovery takes longer than you think it should
I still feel quite sick.
My body isn't mine.

I can't process it all yet, I don't know who to talk to. I don't know who'll listen well,  I am self indulgent at the best of times but I do need to talk this one through and I don't know who'll listen, well. Who the hell would want to? I feel changed and I don't know what the consequences of that are.

Who can I be honest with? Who can listen?

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